The project

What is broken with the Art- and Culturetech industry today?

The Art and Culturetech industry is facing various challenges that impede its progress and widespread adoption. Firstly, there is limited adoption of arttech tools and platforms due to the difficulty some artists and stakeholders have in grasping the concept of the art and technology intersection. This limited adoption results in slower growth and acceptance of the industry. Then, arttech teams struggle to secure sufficient funding as art and technology are often seen as separate industries. Investors may be hesitant to invest in arttech projects, leading to a lack of resources for innovation and growth.

The art world has traditionally been resistant to adopting new technologies, which further impedes the advancement and acceptance of arttech. Copyright and authenticity concerns arise with the digital nature of arttech, making it challenging to protect artists' intellectual property rights and verify the authenticity of digital artwork. Furthermore, not all artists and audiences have access to or inclusivity in arttech platforms and tools. Technological barriers, expensive hardware, and the need for high-speed internet can limit participation and engagement.

Finding the right balance between art and technology is a challenge for the arttech industry. Striving to enhance the artistic experience without overpowering the creative intent requires careful navigation. Additionally, there is limited market awareness and understanding of arttech among the general public. Increasing awareness and education about the potential benefits of culturetech are crucial to driving adoption and growth in this sector.

How we will fix this

kultur is building a matching platform and associated community powered by the latest enabling technologies:

1. Artificial intelligence (AI) for team facilitation: kultur utilizes AI to facilitate the matching process between artists, technologists, and their clients. AI algorithms analyze the skills, preferences, and requirements of each party to create the best possible matches. Additionally, AI can be used during project execution to optimize team communication, collaboration, and productivity, ensuring smooth project workflows.

2. Blockchain for process certification: kultur employs blockchain technology to ensure transparency and trust throughout the entire process, starting from the application stage to payment. This decentralized ledger system provides a secure and tamper-proof record of all interactions, certifications, and agreements made between the different stakeholders. It helps eliminate any potential disputes or discrepancies, as all actions are recorded and can be easily verified.

3. Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) for intellectual property protection and monetization: kultur leverages NFTs to protect the intellectual property rights of artists and technologists. By tokenizing their artwork, creations, or innovations, individuals can establish ownership and rights associated with their work. This technology ensures that original art and technological assets cannot be replicated or used without permission, thereby providing a mechanism for creators to monetize their works while maintaining control over their intellectual property.

4. eLearning technologies for cultural gap analysis and training: kultur incorporates eLearning technologies to bridge the cultural gap between artists, technologists, and clients. Cultural gap analysis tools help identify potential differences in attitudes, communication styles, and expectations among different parties. These tools facilitate cultural understanding and promote effective collaboration. Furthermore, eLearning platforms offer training resources that enable artists and technologists to develop the necessary skills and knowledge required to excel in the arttech industry.

5. Latest project and risk management technologies: kultur integrates the latest project and risk management technologies to ensure successful project execution. These tools provide comprehensive project planning, monitoring, and control capabilities, allowing teams to track progress, allocate resources efficiently, and mitigate risks effectively. By adopting these advanced technologies, Kultur facilitates the smooth execution of arttech projects, increasing the likelihood of delivering high-quality results within the specified timeframe and budget.

What benefits from the kultur platform?

For the teams of artists and technologists:

1. Exposure and recognition: Participating in challenges and projects on the platform can provide artists and technologists with exposure to a wider audience, including major companies and government organizations. This can lead to recognition and opportunities for further collaboration or commissions.

2. Financial support: The platform can provide funding and financial support for artists and technologists to pursue their creative endeavors. This can enable them to focus on their work without the financial burden, and potentially lead to sustainable careers in the art and technology industries.

3. Professional development: Working on challenges and projects within the platform can provide artists and technologists with valuable experience and opportunities for growth. They can learn from each other, develop new skills, and expand their networks within the industry.

4.  Intellectual Property protection: IP will be securely protected thanks to latest technologies and totally seamlessly so that owners can share, build, re-use in total confidence, wherever team members are in the world and whatever the asset (code, graphics, ideas, blue prints, commercial secrets,…).

For large companies, luxury giants, art galleries, planners, and other well-funded entities a.k.a « corporates »:

1. Access to creative talent: Corporates can benefit from the platform by gaining access to a pool of talented artists and technologists, from all around the world, who can help solve challenges. This can provide them with fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to enhance their products, services, and experiences.

2. Collaboration opportunities: The platform will facilitate collaboration between corporates and artists/technologists, allowing them to work together on projects that align with their goals and values. This can lead to mutually beneficial partnerships and the creation of unique and impactful works.

3. Brand enhancement: By supporting art and technology initiatives, corporates can enhance their brand image and reputation. This will attract customers who value creativity and innovation and differentiate them from competitors.

Our cultural segments

kultur is focused on four application domains of technologies:

  • Creation of art and culture,
  • Heritage Protection,
  • Culture Transmission,
  • and art & cultural Education.

Our mission is global, as our team.

Who are we?

kultur was born from LM3LABS and the Tokyo Interaction Center's team, Tokyo-based pioneers in digital arts who successfully served art, luxury, and museum industries with thousands of interactive projects. The team accumulates an unrivaled wealth of experience in developing Art and CultureTech solutions.

kultur is based in Lausanne, Switzerland.


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